
Showing posts from February 6, 2008


Hi all! It's been about a month since I've returned from Peru, and I must say as I take a look of all the pictures I have to admit I miss it and the culture. In just a week I learned so many things that have enriched my culture that I am thankful for having the opportunity to go. International travel is essential in growing up and maturing, every country has different ways of life and it's important to step out of that American mentality and realize that not everyone is as fortunate as us Americans. I plan to take a few more trips this year, and I want to try and reflect while I'm there, and compare and contrast the differences between countries and cultures. I will be preparing a project on the mechanism and techniques of Peruvian weaving. It was what captured my attention the most, so for anyone who has specific questions please ask me and I will include it in my presentation! Bye!